4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4th of July--2009!

The Partridge celebration of the Fourth of July has acquired a tradition of surprises, service, building things and prizes. The kick-off year, July 2007 had us mowing Brett and Stephanie's lawn (in flip-flops I might add!), sharing FHE, building Pinewood Derby cars and culminating with the BBQ and Pinewood Derby race with Mesa's own Lee Snyder as the judge. We can never forget Blake atop of Brett's shoulders singing "We are the Champions!" with Blake's red "Rebel" car in hand! This year was just as fun and crazy since we've doubled in numbers since 2007!

As you can see the pace started out a little slower for Brock! But who doesn't like a good nap while the breeze blows through your hair?

If Blake looks a little blurry, it's not the picture. Blake moves so fast he's always a little blurry!

We were able to catch up with our friends Kyle and Nicholle. We go back to our days at BYU and had some fun double and triple dates with them. They have the cutest family. Our boys loved having new friends to play with!

We surprised Mom and Dad this year with a quilt of as many Old Navy 4th of July shirts as we could pull from the recesses of our closets. HUGE thanks to Jennifer for pulling it off! I think many of us have now lined up to have her make quilts in other forms. (Mine personally is going to be a Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt quilt! Can't wait!)

Brock woke up to the smell of burgers, hot dogs and brauts! I'm sure he had happy dreams during his mid morning rest!

After eating (or stuffing for some!) we moved to Phase 2 of the day: Games! Chris and Cassi, Kaley and Chase, and Scott and I brought a game to play after the BBQ. The first, was the egg relay. Here, you can see we're carefully setting up the cones for the starting line. Wouldn't want any false starters!

The kids were pretty patient at waiting their turn for the egg and spoon. Of course it wasn't just any egg and spoon. Cheryl assisted in all the games and this one got color matching wooden spoons and eggs! WOW!

Egg-cellent focus Blake!

Next was the three-legged race. Brett and I make a good team in bathroom humor and competitions where one or both of us is tied up with rope.

They way I remember it is that we won. I'm sure that's how it happened. . .

Next, the potato sack race. They're all cute and cuddly in their sacks but watch out!

They all have a competitive edge that comes out eventually. The pears did not fall far from the trees!

I've taught my kids well that when someone says "Say cheese" you should do it! Even if you are standing in a potato sack.

The last game was the egg toss. Kaley and Chase, being the ever creative and totally smart Aunt and Uncle that they are, put Starbursts into plastic Easter eggs. If your egg bit the dust you got to share the surprise inside. Much better than runny egg yolk everywhere!

Another Delicious 4th of JULY!!!