4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brock's Birthday Bash!

After our marathon day of Fun in the Snow we celebrated Brock's 2nd Birthday. As I documented earlier it took us forever to drive home from Flagstaff so I had to enlist the help of a birthday fairy or two to pull everything off. So thanks to Aunt Kaley and Uncle Chase, Brock was thrilled with the Krispy Kreme Birthday Doughnut Mountain and Mickey & Friends balloon. Actually with those two things alone Brock would have been a very happy kid. Why we even buy presents I have no idea!

Oh yeah. It's that face. That's why we buy presents.

A Mickey Mouse birthday party wouldn't be right without Mickey himself. This one tells jokes and sings the "Hot Dog" song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse--Brock's favorite show.

It's hard to tell who is more anxious for Brock to blow out the candles!

Can we say a delicious end to a long day? Those are sleepy eyes I think. . . .

Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Much Fun!

Ok, this story requires some background info. We promised the kids we would drive up to Flagstaff to play in the snow sometime before it melted. It suddenly occurred to me that the perfect day would be Brock's Birthday. All the Utah family had shifted plans (they're shifty that way) and since they came a day early and surprised everyone, they left a day early which left Saturday, January 2nd open for a frosty adventure!

Scott and I decided not to tell the kids ahead of time and just kidnap them. They had a Primary Activity to meet their new teachers Saturday morning so we got everything ready the night before. I dropped them off at the church and frantically finished last minute packing of gloves, scarves and hats and loaded the car. Scott picked them up, we let them in the house for a potty check and then told them to get back in the car. They are a little too much accustomed to being hauled away on errands NOT of their choosing so there weren't too many questions to begin with.

In my scheming-theme-ing mind I devised clues as to where we were going via movies to watch in the car. The first one was "Ice Age" and the second was "Backyardigans--Snow Fort." Bradley guessed right away but of course it was way to early to reveal if he was right or not.

We were getting really close. Bryson was asleep and all of the sudden Bradley noticed the snow on the ground. The scenery really went from nothing to big patches of snow covered ground in a matter of minutes. I thought Blake might actually eject out of his car seat, he was so excited! After waiting waaayyy too long to get into the park (Wing Mountain Snow Park) we got our snow stuff on and headed to buy a sled.

Our family has gotten to do some really fun things on vacations. This little day trip will hang right in there at the top of the Fun list! Probably because we don't get to play in the snow made it all the more exciting.

So unfortunately, Brock did not take to the snow so well at first. Here he is not so happy.

Here's Brock really not happy.

Now we're doing better. It's always good to be with Dad.

The building of the snowman!

Still working. . .

Still working. . .

Done! Ok, we don't claim to be Michelangelo but we had fun!

A few more fun pics from the snow.

Pinecone Popcicles--anyone?

We had to include some video of the kids sledding. The boys wanted to go down "The Big Hill" but Scott and I felt like this hill was big enough seeing as though we didn't bring helmets or football pads!

Bradley Sledding

Bryson Sledding

Blake Sledding

Brock and Amy Sledding

So that was our family adventure to Flagstaff. We highly recommend it to anyone who wants a fun day trip to play in the snow. It was just enough cold--but not too much!

The scenery going home was not quite as good as coming.

It started out like this.

And quickly turned into this. It took us forever to get home.

We did cross over this sign and the boys were ecstatic which helped us get through the next few miles of waiting in traffic. Even with the very long ride home it was a great day. It was just a lot of fun to run away for a while, be together and throw a few snowballs at each other!