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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blakers Turns 6!

Blake had been counting the months and days to his birthday for a long time. He is old enough to get that his birthday is also the same day as Valentine's Day so there was much sugar spread around at school in his honor. At home he wanted a Batman Birthday party which was funny because as I was trying to concoct a Bat Signal, he got into some Batman fruit snacks and kept asking who the characters were in the package. He really hasn't watched Batman so I'm not sure where the fascination came from but throw a Batman Party we did!

My boys are not big cake people so we attempted a Rice Krispy Cake that sounded like a great idea to me. Unfortunately, we've discovered my kitchen or mixing bowls carry a hex on RKT's and even though I double wrapped each layer of the cake as soon as it was in the pan, my Gotham City building was a little dried out when I went to assemble it. Blake helped me make Bat shaped RKT's and those came out ok. So with the Bat RKT's, ice cream, M&M's and Batman Fruit Snacks no one went home NOT on a sugar high.

Blake and his Batman Loot!

New Toy Story 3 Action Links! We almost have the whole Toy Story 3 World at our fingertips!

One request Blake had was for a racetrack for the Bathtub. Never underestimate the power of Hot Wheels! This is the best bath toy for boys I've seen! The race track has suction cups that stick to the side of the tub and you just race the waterproof car to your hearts content!

A new Bridge for our Kung Zhu Hamster Training Camp! Go motorized pets that don't make a mess!

After all the presents were opened we jabbed candles into our RKT brick and let Blake blow away! The Bat Signal is the round-ish thing on the stick. I covered the front with melted chocolate chips and stuck a paper bat signal to it and put battery operated lights all around. We also put lights in the clear container with the black packaged Batman snacks--very foreboding! This was not my best birthday dessert day but absolutely my best "high tech with the use of lights" birthday! Thankfully, Blake had a great day and that was what really mattered!