4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Maui--Heaven On Earth!

Maui. Can there be a better place on earth to vacation? We spent 9 days in Kaanapali, Maui and the only problem was that 9 days just wasn't enough!

We left AZ on Friday morning--really early! Like, dark outside early. But with the time change, by the time we got to Maui we were just in time for afternoon fun on the beach!

Saturday we spent at the pool and beach. The guys put a punch on their Man Cards and BBQ'd cheeseburgers for everyone! Only one or two burgers were still Moo-ing, but that's what a microwave is for, right? :) After dinner we had our own version of Saturday Night Live which should have been renamed Saturday Night Video Presentations because most of us channeled our technological inner-being and made videos of our talents. Kudos to Nathan for the magic show and Grandma-ma for the Alphabet song with visual aids! But my favorite was my Rockband Boys who did lip synch and dance live with Baby Brett as back-up entertainment on video. I might be biased.

Sunday. Love Sundays in Lahaina at the Lahaina First Ward. Even better--it was Father's Day. We celebrated with a fun Bingo Game for controlled chaos purposes and then a Father's Day Trivia Game where the kids had to guess which Dad belonged to the trivia statement or story. It was really fun to find out funny things about each of the Dads on the trip and watch the kids faces too.

Monday the guys went scuba diving while the girls and kids hung out at the pool. It was a great relaxing day followed by a fun FHE on making good choices thanks to Kaley and Chase.

Tuesday was a weird day. We went to the pool and beach again! HA! I love this vacation! Do I have to go back home? Mom and Dad rewarded those who had shed unnecessary pounds in trying to be healthier. I never did receive my trophy for most weight lost in the shortest amount of time. (Hi, remember me. Labor to birth in 3 hours. Ha Ha Ha.)

Wednesday we played at the pool and beach again but in the afternoon the older kids had surfing lessons. They all did a great job and had fun Hangin' Loose while Hangin' Ten. Their instructors were amazing, as usual. It was weird to watch instead of surfing with them like we've done in the past. Maybe next time . . . We followed up surfing with dinner at Cheeseburgers in Paradise and it was! Brock went a little crazy dancing next to the singer/dj but no sound equipment was damaged--thankfully!

Thursday the reality of having to go home started to hit but we put it aside and girded our competitive loins in preparation for the Sandcastle Contest. Jennifer organized the groups and came up with the idea to tell a story with the sandcastle. Totally Creative props to Jennifer for being totally creative! We ended the day with the results of the video scavenger hunt--conducted by Brett and Stephanie. I think I was robbed again of a higher place in the winners circle so watch out for next time. I'm out for Hawaiian Blood!

Friday, in order to avoid the whole "we really have to pack the suitcases" issue, we packed the day with as much sun, sand and surf as possible. And then we packed the suitcases.

Saturday we don't like to talk about because we had to eventually get on the first of 3 airplanes home. Mom and Dad made the deal a little sweeter with a last hurrah at the Hard Rock Cafe. So with stomachs full of good food and more ice cream we headed for the airport and by Sunday morning/afternoon we were all back home.

It was another amazing post in our Partridge Family Travelog. These are only the highlights of the highlights. To really appreciate it you'd have to be there. So here is a small--very small snipet of some of the fun we had!