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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Cute Boys

Trying to look ahead to Christmas Card season we went with Kaley, Chase and Madi to take pictures. This being the Year of the Rockstar, I decided to use that as the theme for our cards. So here is a smathering of some of my favorite pics!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy 6th Month Birthday, Brett!

I don't know if the tradition started because of wanting to celebrate family milestones or just because we like to give presents but in our family we celebrate EVERYTHING! So today, we celebrated Brett's 6 month birthday. It was pretty low key, for a Rockstar. One Happy Birthday Dude wrapped gift with a DJ Club Penguin inside. I'm sure he was elated!

So obedient to pose first and tear open second!

Trying to figure out how to get around the tape.

Not really sure it's worth the effort because he knows Grandpa has ice cream somewhere nearby!

Yeah, ice cream sounds better right about now.

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Rockin' Halloween!

Halloween and I have a love / hate relationship. I love being with my kids, ignoring homework and laundry, dressing them up crazy, dressing Scott and I up crazy, and spending fun, family time together. I hate all the candy that comes in the house and all the candy that goes out of the house for school projects and parties. I hate the hassle of kids who whine because their costume isn't perfect. They should've learned by now, if it's perfect in my head, it's going to turn out (at least) OK. And so this Halloween I continued my Totally Unfair tradition of picking out the kids costumes for them. I REALLY wanted them to be Rock Stars in honor of our cute little Brett. A few were not so thrilled but in the end everyone was happy. (Ok, the bribes of colored hair, blow-up guitars and funky glasses definitely helped my plea!)

So here is my Totally Scary Rock Band of Boys:

Bradley--The Classic Rocker

Bryson--The Punk Rocker

Blake--The Hottest Rocker

Brock--The Grunge Rocker (check out the Pleather Pants!)

Brett--The REAL Rocker (He'll "Poison" your heart with his cute smile!)

After invading Mom and Dad's Halloween Carnival in their neighborhood, we went over to Grandma-ma's and Grandpa Long's to show off our costumes. After pictures and treats we wandered around and ended up at Chris and Cassi's house where we tagged along with them Trick-or-Treating in their neighborhood. The kids had fun going around together collecting more candy than they could ever eat.

So, another successful Halloween was crossed off the calendar. Good thing I have a whole year to think of how to top our Rock Star Band!