4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Catching Up

I find myself with a few extra minutes now and then since school has started. We have two kids in school all day (Bradley is in 3rd grade and Bryson is in 1st) and one (my blue-eyed Blake) in Pre-school for 2 1/2 hours 3 times a week. That leaves Baby Brock and I to enjoy a moment or two of peace and quiet. So I thought I'd take this spare second to catch up on life at the Grover house.

We had the opportunity to get away (really get away!) to Maui with the whole Partridge Family this past summer. One day we'll be able to charter a whole plane, but this trip had 10 children (8 boys ages 5 mos. - 8 1/2 yrs, 2 girls ages 2 and 4) and 13 adults (we took Grandma-ma hostage but I think she enjoyed our chaos). Surprisingly, the plane ride over and back was not so bad with so many little ones. This trip was fun because the older kids were old enough to appreciate being in Maui a little more and they could participate in more of the activities. I say they appreciated being in Maui, which they did. They also think it's as easy to get to as Disneyland! So we'll have to work on the whole reality thing. Needless to say, we had a blast!

We would all love to have our Church records transferred over to the Lahaina 1st Ward someday. These are amazing people with amazing testimonies that pierce your soul and remind you why we are here and what really does matter in life!

If you ever get the chance to go parasailing--do it! It is so calm and peaceful. It's like being a human kite! (Above: Scott and Bradley. Below: My brother Chris and Bryson. Not pictured: Myself and sister-in-law Cassi--but we had a blast!)

It should be common knowledge that you can't go on a Partridge Family vacation without the appropriate sleeping attire. Here, all our kids are adorned in their surfing/fish jammies. (From Left to Right: Bradley, Brock on Bradley's lap, Bryson and Blake)

Horseback riding is one of my favorite things to do in Maui. Mostly because the horses don't talk back and call your name every 5 minutes! This is my horse Frida. She was a great horse until I tried to stop and take a picture of Oprah's house. Apparently, stopping at that point on the trail was not on her agenda so I have a lot of pictures of the ground and wavy rooflines.

This is the cutest baby in the world today! Here's our little Brock at 5 months enjoying the sounds of the ocean and ukulele players at a luau. Really, he's just waiting for the kalua pork!

Who knew we'd love surfing as much as we do? Bradley is quite exceptional and asked when we were going to move to Maui. I told him as soon as Grandpa bought a house there!

But as all good things must come to an end so did our adventures in Maui. The boys cried for days after we got home. Really, there are too many pictures to do the trip justice. But this was a little (very little) sample of the fun we had in Maui. Next blog: The 4th of July in UTAH!

1 comment:

Chase and Kaley said...

Mom told me that she is trying to come up with a plan on how to go back to Hawaii! I told her that flying on a plane would be great! I might even offer to swim if I had to! On the other hand, parasailing would be fun too! Hmmmm....I'll have to think about this!