4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust--Day 1

Our first trip of the summer took us away from the AZ sun and into the storm clouds of CA where our family experienced much in the way of Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust. But more of that later. What started as a Southern CA trip on the blueprints a long time ago ended up being a multi-day trip to Disneyland and one day stop at Legoland. The kids couldn't wait for the school year to be done and to start packing suitcases! Mom, of course decked everyone out in coordinating t-shirts so we could spot each other quickly. I'm just waiting for the trip where Mom and Dad don't match the rest of us so they can go along and NOT be clumped in with our ever-growing group of crazy fun!
We tried to organize ourselves a head of time so everyone could do everything they wanted to. We had our list (two pages!) and set out to conquer the most fun possible in 4 -1/2 days!

The AZ delegation was able to sneak in right after we got to the hotel--hence the 1/2 day--and headed to CA Adventure for some Pizza Ooh Mow Mow deliciousness! I think it was 3 large pizzas and a drink spilling later that Mom, Dad, Kaley and Chase caught up with us there. And the crazy had just begun!

This is how we start all our trips into Disneyland--with Blake on Chase's shoulders. I'm sure Blake will have to find a different mode of transportation someday but for now it's his happy place!

Mom & Dad herded us to City Hall where they bestowed "Family Reunion" button upon us. Later we picked up lanyards which was great because the kids were starting to tear holes in their shirts from the buttons!

Can't resist a cute picture of Brock!

We went in early on Wednesday and got to be at the opening of Toon Town, which was fun because we'd never done that before!

As you can see everyone had their hands (and arms) full!

I think Goofy has found some roommates!

So, I thought this was funny because it looks like all the adults on the Go-Go Gadget Coaster ride in Toon Town. Does anyone even remember who Gadget is? ("Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip & Dale-- Resuce Rangers!" Can't remember what comes after another round of "Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip & Dale. . ." Great theme song though!)

And here we see that little kids were actually on board! I missed Blake and Chase in the very front--but they were there!

Smiles sponsored by Sparkle!

Next we headed to Small World. Some of the kids weren't so excited at first but they soon changed their minds when they saw all the changes that had been made on the inside! It was really fun to try to spot all the Disney characters in the different countries and regions depicted.

It took two boats to get all our gang afloat but float we did and some of us even sang along too!

Bryson and I having a brief Kodak moment!

This is a cruise I'd take anyday!

Who let these Monkeys out? Did we already pass the Casey Jr. Train and someone forgot to shut the door?

Next we headed to the Tea Cups for some head spinning fun! We divided ourselves into groups according to how fast the kids wanted to spin--or not spin. As of yet, no one has thrown up after a wild ride on the Tea Cups but I'm sure the odds are it'll happen sooner or later!

Mom & I took Hyrum and Joshua (can't remember where Brett wandered off to. . .). Our cup was the funnest! Not the fastest, but definitely the cutest and funnest!

If you look closely at Ryan he just has this look like "Someday, I'll get this saucer right off the ground!" The boys in this group had fun whipping their heads all around as Uncle Ryan tore around the Tea Party like a Mad Hatter!

Like Ryan did on his Blog, we all owe Kaley and Chase a huge Thank-you for providing fun, entertainment, transportation and parenting for those children leftover at any given moment! I'm not sure who is steering but Blake seems to be loving it!

But clearly, we were the Tea Cup winners. It was fun riding with Joshua and Hyrum--way to go boys!

Always a sweet ride!

And thus ended the first day of pictures at the place called Disneyland. Although the fun went on for hours after and even into the night, the camera was put to rest until the dawn of the next day. For inasmuch as you have too many pictures you will never finish an entire blog history.

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