4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fallin' for Mickey--in the Fall--Again!

Just when you thought it was safe to go to Disneyland and not run into us, there we are again! This time it was work related. The dance studio took our Company dancers (cute niece Katelyn's class included for the first time this year!) to dance at California Adventure. So our family, Chris/Cassi's fam, Kaley minus Chase, Mom, Dad and even Grandma-ma headed for the Happiest Place on Earth for a fast, fun weekend.

It appears we're all looking at something we've never seen ever before in our lives. How can that even be?

Brock and I sit for a spot of tea . . . cups.

Bradley on the carousel. All the boys had red shirts on that read: "Caution. May require supervision." That was about right!

Bryson clearly happy to get out of town and have some fun!

Blake, Katelyn and Megan wait for lunch with Grandma-ma in the back. We love to eat at the Tomorrowland Terrace and watch the Star Wars Jedi Training Academy show. No jedi's volunteered for the show from our group this trip. They were too hungry! A Jedi's got to keep up his/her strength you know.

Scott and I in Toon Town. I think we've decided to take up a permanent residence here! We fit in a little too well.

Brock's favorite ride of the whole trip was the Teacups so Scott braved it with Bryson and Brock late Friday night. (He--Scott--is not really a spinning type guy.)

Cute fam foto from Saturday in California Adventure. Leave it to Disney to put gigantic Christmas ornaments in A Bug's Land. Lots (but not all) of Christmas decorations were around here and there which was fun to see.

While the older boys were on the bumper cars Brock found a place to run around in A Bug's Land. Here he is on a giant popcicle stick bench. The only 10 seconds he sat still!

Dad aka Grandpa found the games on the Boardwalk with Bradley and the two came away with armfuls of fun. Of course that led to a few repeat performances with Grandpa and other grandkids. Everyone came home with lots of fun "souven--ears!" HA!

Tired boys crash after two days of non-stop fun!

One is really never "ready" to go home but at some point the car does have to head that direction. Our dance show was really great--Katelyn's class was fantastic and another amazing Disneyland trip will go down in the Grover Family History!

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