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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break 2012!

Tuesday--Game Day

While trying to think of fun themes for each day, I also wanted to pick things that would satisfy some of Bryson's scout requirements for his Bear Badge. Game Day did just that for us. Here's how it went down.

We roped Kaley & Madi, Cassi, Katelyn, Megan and Adam into joining with us--it's always a lot more fun with a crowd. Plus, I am no expert on volleyball--one of the games we had to play for the scout requirement. Anyway, we went to a nearby park and ran relays with the kids for a while until my legs (I won't speak for Kaley's legs) were turning to Jell-O. Mom stopped by with some apples--a welcomed snack and break for my Jell-O legs. Cassi and crew came along shortly after and we got down to business.

While we organized ourselves Blake and Bryson tried their hands at the Monkey Bars. Blake was super excited to finally make it all the way across.

Bryson in action.

We (really Kaley and Cassi) explained the rules for Volleyball and we divided into teams. Unfortunately, I didn't plan very well and we were without a volleyball but made due with a cheap bouncy ball.

Cassi and I were supposed to trade in and out so we could keep an eye on the little boys but she was a much better asset to the team. I would have just been . . . well . . . not so much an asset.

I think Katelyn was trying to bump the ball over. Good try with a not so great ball!

The kids started to get the hang of getting the ball over and we have an actual volley happen a few time.

Brock and Adam got in on the action a few courts down trying to throw a beach ball over. They had so much fun!

Blake's turn to serve.

TOE-tally happy Brett, loving the outside world!

At half-time of the Volleyball game we decided to change games. So half-time became Final Score--everyone wins! We went out to the field and set up some rocks with paper towels under them for bases for a game of Kickball--another scout requirement. (Why soccer wasn't listed I don't know.)

This game was funnier than Volleyball. Brock and Adam of course had no idea which way to run. Just after Brock kicked the ball in this picture he ran to First Base, where Adam was baseman, and Adam started running away which led Brock to run after him. It was a reincarnation of "Who's On First?"

This was a great effort of compassion and teamwork by Kaley and I. Blake came running to 2nd base where I was baseman but he could see that I had the ball so he ran the other way. So I chased him--slowly. Kaley covered 2nd as we headed back that way and I must have thrown the ball a little too late because he was safe. FEEUUFFF!!! What a play!

It was a super fun morning followed by a picnic at a different park by Cassi's house. The kids ate well (Brett ate his toes!) and played some more on the playground and basketball court. We all got a little sunburned from all the outside goodness! Tomorrow is sure to be chaos as I attempt "Iron Chef" Day!

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