4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's a holiday for Mom's across the country. The smell of new pencils, clean backpacks, fresh crayons and diesel from the bus waiting to take the children back to school! We cry because we're happy. Happy our kids are growing, making new friends, discovering things about the world they didn't know. And even though we also cry because our babies are leaving, we're also a little bit happy about the emotional vacation we get 7 hours a day. (Hey, I include the driving time!)

Here is the motley crew waiting for The Orange Bus aka Linda's Bus by our house. You don't mess around on Linda's Bus! Yeah, they all LOOK innocent. . .

The same day not only sent Bradley and Bryson but also Blake off to his second year of Pre-School. He gets to go in the afternoon which his mom is not completely thrilled about. It makes errands hard to do in the morning and competes with Quiet-Time in the afternoon. But, we'll take 2- 1/2 hours, 3 days a week with bus to door service over no pre-school anyday!

Which then leaves Brock and I to have an nice quiet couple of hours until Bradley and Bryson come home. It's good to be an only kid once in a while! We love Back To School!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love the back-to-school Staples commercial: "It's the most wonderful time of the year . . ." Amen!