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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Break--Nature Day

Ahhh, the sounds of nature. The peace and tranquility of it all. Today we tried to recover from the trauma of our unlucky yesterday and took a minute to look at the beauty around us. I had to revamp some of the activities due to our germ infested friends. So instead of going on a long nature walk, we journeyed to the backyard.

First, we looked to see how many colors in nature were in our backyard and drew those things.

Second, we traced/drew and colored leaves from the backyard.

Third, we drew bugs or insects. Fourth, we made a list of all the things in nature we are thankful for. (Blake's eyes are still a little puffy and red but got better as the day went on).

After a snack of Keebler Bug Bites, lunch and Quiet Time movie--"A Bug's Life" (what else?) we sent Bradley to scouts, ran a quick errand and got home in time to get things ready for our Outdoor dinner--which we ate inside. Scott grilled the best burgers yet and they melted in our mouths.

For dessert I let the kids make Oreo dirt with gummy worms. They loved it! They had their choice of clean dirt (vanilla Oreos) or dirty dirt (chocolate Oreos) with some vanilla ice cream on the bottom.

Poor Brock. His eyes are so puffy. That's the downfall of long eyelashes--conjunctivitis is really hard to detangle from his Ultra Lash lashes. I was glad the Oreos and the worm seemed to cheer him up.

Bryson took his worm head-on!

Even Scott enjoyed a worm or two. . .

The Attack of the Killer Gummy Worms!

Clearly, more than a good time was had by all--except perhaps the worms!

We cleaned up the kitchen, got all hands washed and eye drops done then settled the 3 older boys down in their brand new sleeping bags downstairs for a "camp out." How could the evening get any better you ask? I put on the old Disney Classic (thanks to Mom) "Follow Me, Boys" starring Fred McMurray. You just can't go wrong there. Yeah, I've got my game face on again!


Ryan said...

You really pulled out "Follow Me Boys"? I am super impressed - I didn't think anyone else even remembered that movie.

". . .Follow me, boys; follow me! Pick 'em up! Put 'em down and follow me."

Jennifer said...

I love that you had them draw things out in nature. They are quite the artists!

Aunt Flower said...

AWESOME job, Aim. I loved all your supercute activities with your supercute supergrovers. I miss you guys toooo much. Hugs and kisses for all...love you