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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween of Heroes!

As I have posted before, I take most of the fun out of Halloween by picking a theme for my kids to dress up. This year was Super Heroes. We had Captain America, Iron Man, Batman and Superman who were joined by 2 Wonder Women (aka cousins Katelyn and Megan), and another slightly smaller in stature Superman (aka K&M's brother Adam). Scott and I even went a little crazy and dressed up this year too.

Bradley as Captain America

Bryson as Iron Man

Blake as Batman

Brock as Superman. (He flew away just after this picture was taken!)

Scott and I were pseudo Heroes as the Budget Ninja and Vampire. (I was on a Twilight kick and found this t-shirt that read "Only Vampires will love you forever!") We crashed Mom and Dad's block party, headed to our own neighborhood party for more candy than you could imagine, then made our final stop and Grandma-ma's to let the kids show off their costumes and consume a few pieces of their loot. A fun--and somewhat exhausting--but still fun Halloween!

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