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Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day 2011

Bryson Turns Nine

Bryson was very excited for his birthday. He is growing up so fast! With a Monster load of Fun in his personality, we threw a Monster Birthday Party complete with Monster giant sugar cookie (just the sugar--no chocolate of course!) and Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Here are some of the highlights:

Bryson and his pile of fun! He had been asking if he was getting anything for his birthday and I kept telling him no. It's fun to play with their minds sometimes!

Will Bryson's new watch help him get up on time for school in the morning? We'll have to wait and see!

New Harry Potter Legos Spells Lots of FUN!

Star Wars Brickmaster Book. This is so cool because it shows you how to build like 8 Million different things with the legos included. It will keep Bryson busy for hours and the rest of us amazed by his lego abilities!

It must have been by the power of the Force that Bryson was so lucky to get the new Lego Star Wars--The Clone Wars Wii game. Go Yoda!

It's hard to say what Bryson's favorite gift was but certainly the Fablehaven Books from Grandma-ma and Grandpa Ed were up at the top. Unfortunately, the flash on the camera did not cooperate so the photographic evidence of his excitement has been compromised.

We do have a cool picture of his Cookie Cake.

And the rest of the table set up. Let's hear it for the sugar coma that's about to come on!

Happy Birthday!

Why is there another picture of Bryson and birthday paraphernalia you might ask? Because we celebrated his birthday on Saturday, April 30th. So this is his Birthday Breakfast of Champions: Krispy Kremes and Orange Julius!

The Original Grover May Day
Oh, and Happy Anniversary to Scott and I. 14 years of Crazy and loving every minute of it!

Still waiting for Baby Rockstar to come. . . .

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Bryson! The brickmaster book looks amazing . . . that might be going on Nathan's list :)