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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summertime at the BY!

We declared our independence (or our insanity) this July 4th by driving to Utah so Bradley and Bryson could participate in BYU's Soccer Camp.  The car ride was a little slow getting there but not bad considering the cargo.  Mom and Dad flew up there for a few days too.  We stayed with Ryan and Jennifer the last night so all the boys could have fun together.  The time went by fast which means it was a fun trip.  Here are some photos of my soccer loving boys:

Bryson did a great job learning a lot of skillz and drillz for the first time!
Here's Bryson taking charge of the ball.

Bryson getting serious!
Bryson as goalie for the first time ever!  They won this scrimage game!

Bradley getting ready to play. 
Bradley's kicking leg in action!

Serious Play.

The ever popular Popcicle Break!

BYU is the right place for Bryson.  He found banana popcicles!

Bryson and Coach

Bradley and Coach Lauren

Maybe we'll be crazy enough to drive back for a Women's Soccer Game this fall.  The boys had such a good time at camp, visiting family and not to mention all the great places to eat in Provo--Brick Oven and the Creamery are top of that list!  And Scott and I love driving them around BYU pointing out all the places we lived in our previous life as wild and crazy singles!  Go Cougars--The World is Our Campus!

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