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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bradley's Birthday and More!

Actually, the "more" comes before Bradley's birthday. After getting back from Disneyland we had to face the reality of school. A sad time for some yet exciting for others. (Having Brock at home with the other 3 at school sounded like a great idea to me!)

Bryson and Bradley know the First Day of School drill all too well. They posed nicely for pictures waiting patiently for the time when we would all make the walk around the corner to wait for the bus with all the other Moms and Dads in pajamas on this glorious day.

Blake on the other hand couldn't hold still long enough and keep a straight face. He was so excited for his first day of Kindergarten--All Day Kindergarten!!! The only thing better than that was the ride to school on The Big Kids Bus!

The Second Day of school (this is starting to sound like a familiar Christmas song. . .) left a surprise for the boys on the sidewalk when they arrived back home. Thanks to Aunt Kaley, the walk up to the front door was adorned with little signs that read "5th Grade Rocks!" "3rd Grade is the Bomb!" And my personal favorite: "Kindergarten is Totally Wicked!" That pretty much summed it up for the beginning of the school year!

We also had our first Pack Meeting where Bryson received his Bobcat award. So exciting to have another Scout in the house!

And now, we come back to where we started from . . . Bradley's Birthday. His 11th birthday. I can't believe he is 11 years old and taller than Grandma-ma! He is really into soccer--and quite good at it I might add--so we had a soccer themed party.

I also can't believe he is a Boy Scout now. It seems like the past decade plus has gone by really fast!

Ice cream Sundae's anyone? All the icecream, Magic Shell and sprinkles you can eat! Happy 11th Birthday Bradley!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How fun for the boys to have a little surprise when they got home from school! I bet they felt so special!

I think Bradley is as tall as I am! I can't believe how fast he has grown up.