4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It Cool When Your Parents Kidnapp You and Take You to Disneyland!

So the parental units of all family formations decided it would be fun to take a trip to the Magic Kingdom. But we were a little sneaky about it. Everyone had a different plan of attack but Scott came up with the idea of telling the boys we were going for a drive and a picnic--that explained the cooler in the car. After arriving in Blythe we stopped at our usual McDonald's and told the kids they could go inside and eat and play for a while. That was supposed to be the highlight. I think a few were a little disappointed that we hadn't chosen a closer McD's but they stopped grumbling after they were fed.

Brock is so happy to have freedom from the carseat, a clean diaper and french fries!

Brock's toes trying to reach the next level in the play area.

Blake in full force!

Bradley, not so sure about his parents mental GPS but thankful to be fed.

Bryson was a great helper when the time came to load the car again. Brock was not so thrilled with the idea as you can imagine. But into the car we went and told them we were going home. They had no idea we were continuing west to the Matterhorn! No one had a clue even while we drove down the streets in Anaheim until we got to the Grand Californian. It was Bradley who was the first to look away from the DVD player and notice where we were. I don't think I have seen any of them that excited and surprised. They really couldn't believe we'd drug them all the way to Disneyland. What they wouldn't find out for another hour or so was that all the cousins would eventually be there too and they were in for 3 super fun days at Disneyland. What a way to end the Summer!

One of our first rides after we got there. They were so excited to see Nathan, Benjamin, Joshua and Baby Elizabeth.

Bradley and I hangin' out in Flick's Flyers.

Mom and Dad threw in a few surprises of their own. We celebrated Chris' Birthday on Orange Shirt Day, and my birthday on Green Shirt Day. My favorite part was wearing my Disney Birthday Button and having all the Cast Members tell me "Happy Birthday, Princess Amy!" I wore my button for two days!

So proud to know I've passed on my love for Chocolate Mickey Rice Krispy Treats!

Bradley and Bryson pose after eating at the Taste Pilot's Grill.

Scott makes his way from behind the camera to chill with Brad!

Green Day and the Tea Cups. Love it!

Yes, Bradley is now the new King of England. Jolly Good!

Here's three of the boys on the Jolly Trolly in Toon Town. A nice shady spot to rest in the afternoon.

The last day of our trip was Blue Shirt Day. One can never ride the Autopia Cars too many times. The kids were very first in line one of the days. That was one of those totally cool moments!

Brock could only take sooo much fun until the Pixie Dust turned into Nighty Night Dust!

I want one of these boxes at my house!

Cassi, Katelyn, Bradley and I braved the fireworks show one night. It was so amazing I took a million pictures and some video. But I will leave you with my favorite picture. The castle might be a little blurry but that my friends is a Mickey Mouse Head in the Fireworks. This is why I love Disneyland!

We had an amazing time surprising the kids. This trip will never be forgotten and probably never topped in the surprise department. It was worth the grumbles in the car on the way there to see their faces when they realized where we were. Four little faces I will never forget!

1 comment:

Brett said...

Such a great trip! It definitely will be hard to top, but I look forward to the challenge :)