4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Saturday, March 19, 2011


Now, some comments have been made on the status of my blog. Well, you can think I'm a slacker or lazy. I don't claim to be a blogging queen. Anyone who knows me, knows all too well I'm a Dancing Queen--thanks to the ABBA and the musical Mamma Mia. I could write an entire blog entry on all the reasons why I have postponed my updating. But it's more fun to keep everyone guessing and wondering daily, "Should I check Amy's Blog? Has she dared to try to catch up?" Well my friends, the time has come. Grab some peanut butter M&M's and settle into your computer chair because Spring Break 2011 is bringing you up to date on the Grover Hacienda and the new adventures we are having during our Spring Break week here in sunny and warm AZ. That's right, I'm double blogging--Ha! Each day will bring you a little closer to bridging the gap in our story. So hang on--because this ride could get a little bumpy!


Chase and Kaley said...

You are the most insane sister I have! But I love you! Way to go! By the way I love the font, how did you get that?

Brett said...

Phew, that was a good update. . . not sure Simplifile know's they're paying for me to read your blog for the last 45 minutes but oh well :D, enjoy my comments through my journey.

Stephanie said...

I decided to not comment on each post and decided to say it all here:

Oh, my you're crazy!


How did you think of all these fun things?!

You're so creative!

I love the pictures!

We miss you guys!