4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ducks in the Pond--or Pool that is. . .

So, Mom calls this morning after the 3 older boys had left for school and says "There's ducks in the pool. You have to bring Brock over to see them." So Brock and I load up in the car to see not just ducks but a whole flock of ducks--12 ducklings and a Mamma duck to be exact--swimming around in the pool!

We parked near the gate and went in the backyard. I told Brock he had to be quiet or it would scare the ducks. He was actually really quiet most of the hour we were there on our Zoology Field Trip. Here he is peering through the pool fence.

Soon Mom and Dad came outside and we all went in the pool area. There were a few moments when I'm sure Brock had lost interest in watching the ducks and was really trying to figure out the best way to make his escape into the pool with them.

At one point Dad was trying to help shew the ducks out of the pool but as soon as he would wander around near them they would follow the Mamma and swim to the other side. Brock observed this phenomenon and said "Grandpa, go over there!" I was more concerned with the ducklings being sucked into the gutters on the sides of the pool so I started chanting "Swim Away, swim away!" (Ode to Finding Nemo--Nemo really is never there when you need him!)

In the end Dad got all the ducks out of the pool with the use of pool rafts, flat pool net scooper thing, and shewing them through the yard to the canal. We'd gone home by that time. I really wished I'd stayed and gotten pictures of all that! The next day Brock wanted to know if we could go to Grandma's house and see the ducks. First I told him they flew away. That reason didn't really satisfy him so I switched to "They went to the Zoo." That seemed to be a good enough answer. This all just goes to show you never know what is going to show up at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

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