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Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break 2011--The Adventure Continues

Monday--Wacky Olympics Day

So this afternoon we held the Wacky Olympics. We talked a little about the Olympics before we began and then each boy made a flag for his "country." Like The Country of Blake etc.

Here are Brock and Bryson working on their flags. Brocks had golf balls and a golf club in the middle of a square. Bryson's was blue and yellow with a picture of himself holding the American Flag in the corner.

Blake's flag was a similar design to the American flag but instead of stars he drew "dots" and of course the whole thing was outlined in green. On the back he drew everyone in the family, including Baby Rockstar--the soon to be Grover Boy #5 who still has no name. Bradley was concentrating very hard on his flag so the camera didn't disturb his creative process.

I put on John Williams Olympic Fanfare on my iPod and speakers and we had our Opening Ceremonies with the Parade of Nations through the backyard.

Here they are as they continue along the Parade Route with flags displayed.

The Country of Brock's delegate took a wrong turn but eventually caught up with the rest of the Olympians.

Here is the finish to the Opening Ceremonies with all the flags displayed proudly from our 4 represented countries.

The first event of the afternoon was the Egg-on-Spoon Race. Quite a challenge for some of our athletes and some had to have the rules re-stated due to a slight tendency to cheat. Fortunately, it was only good clean fun in the end thanks to last year's plastic easter eggs.

The second event was the Tight Lip Race. Each athlete had to hold the straw between their nose and lips and run down the backyard and back. Bryson was the champion of this race. This is one guy with some tough lip muscles!

Next, the Balloon Challenge. Runners kept the balloon between their legs and ran down and back. We added a variation called the Balloon Hugger Race where you put one balloon between two people tummy to tummy--like a hug. You have to hold on tight and coordinate all 4 feet or your balloon will drop! There were world records broken in the latter event. Way to pop to the top boys!

4th was the Jumping contest. Not as popular by this crowd but Blake got in 23 jumps in one minute and Bryson got in 70+ before having an asthma attack. The dedication these boys had to these Wacky Olympic games was astounding!

The fifth and final event was the discuss throw. On a best two out of three, Bradley was the consistent winner, although Bryson's distance greatly improved by the third throw. If any two boys know how to throw a paper plate--it's these two!

Closing Ceremonies were simple with all being dubbed Winners for their country.

And the creativity just never stops! Way to balance the Olympic Rings on your leg Brock!


Holly said...

WOW. You, my friend, get a gold medal and break the world record for creative family fun. Next time my kids are climbing the walls, I'm calling you for help!

Jennifer said...

You always are so creative and fun! Can I borrow you for my kids' Spring Break?!

Brett said...

That's awesome. . . sounds like you ought to chair an olympics committee for the whole fam-damly