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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break 2011--The Adventure Continues

Friday--Water Day and Luau

We had the perfect day for playing with water outside! I bought a Lightening McQueen blow up pool for little-er people and a Hockey Game slip-n-slide for the older kids. They all played in both of course.

Bryson and Brock get into a serious game of hockey!

Brock is practicing his corner shot.

Bryadley and Bryson take a turn "on the ice."

Blake just chillin'--literally. The hose water was a touch on the icy side. I'm convinced Blake's body temperature runs a few degrees cooler than everyone else so he was really into the cool water!

Riding a scooter is fun. Riding a scooter through water is REALLY fun!


Brock has never had an interest in goggles until today when he got a hold of Bryson's and in his 3 year old independent way wouldn't accept help in getting them on. Eventually, he ditched them--apparently not worth the effort.

A nice game of catch that won't break a window.

Kaley snapped this of Brock. He's trying to grab the yellow water frisbee out of the water table with his mouth. A sort of "Bobbing for Water Toys" game he started. A little on the gross side if you ask us!

Got It!

After lunch everyone got a second wind of energy--and the water was a little warmer so they weren't quite as cautious about the little pool. Leave it to boys to think it a good idea to climb into a Rubbermaid container in a pool.

They changed its use to a jumping platform for a few minutes until I caught Brock on it jumping into the pool. Then I pulled the mother card and took it into the garage.

Back to hockey!

Many Mahalos to Kaley and Mom for all their help getting the table and seving stuff ready for our Luau.

Another round of Mahalos to Chase for cutting pineapple and shredding the pork. Scott and I got the pork ready the the night before and by the afternoon the house was smelling soooo good! (Same recipe as last year but turned out even better. We would never have thought that possible but it was!) To change it up a little we kept the menu simple with fried rice from Panda's (too tired to make the authentic variety) pineapple-strawberry-grape fruit kabobs as well as that same fruit variety all seperated out.

We also had one more round of Green Apple Jones Slush punch. This time we used the Diet 7-up and added one can of Diet Gingerale. Even yummier than yesterday!

The best part was that Cassi, Katelyn, Megan and Adam came back in town from their Spring Break trip to Nevada just in time for the Luau. The boys were so excited to see their cousins. We all agreed Water Day was just not the same without them! And a Luau just isn't a Luau without the whole Ohana (we missed all our family in Utah!). Happy Spring Break and Aloha!


Jennifer said...

Water hockey -- what a neat idea!

We are excited to luau with you in 3 months!

Stephanie said...

Ditto! Water Hocked looks awesome!!!! I want to play!

Cassi said...

Thank you again for the amazing luau! It was so nice to not have to decide dinner after being in the car for 5+ hours with my little people and no Chris.