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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break 2012!

Thursday--Water Day

Our favorite theme day during Spring Break (and the only theme day to appear every year) is Water Day. We were more fortunate than last year to have amazing weather every day this week. Today the temps in sunny Mesa, AZ got up to 82 degrees! I think if we had just pushed all the kids outside with nothing but the hose they would have been happy. But we pulled a few tricks out of the garages to make the day even more fun!

Bradley and Bryson replaced batteries in the water guns we bought for Bradley's 12th birthday party and got those ready for a water war. Who knew the buckets we store them in would be so much fun?

Really, the buckets were supposed to be used to refill the water cartridges for the water guns.

But some kids just wanted to see if they could get stuck inside them.

Aunt Kaley brought her slip-n-slide with blow up boogie boards. Adam and Brock had the best time slipping and sliding and playing in the the little pool of water at the end of it. They just played and were pretty oblivious to everything and everyone around them!

After a while they started a Water War. Uh Oh. The phrase "This can only end in tears" comes to mind.

Brock must have won that battle because he is geared up ready to win the war!

The only casualty of the day was the kids necks and forearms. . . and legs. . . and noses. Yes, we forgot the sunscreen until they were almost ready to come inside. I know. How could we be that dumb? I have no idea. We totally know better.

On closer inspection, Brock and Adam both have a bit of a sun-glow about them. They were so wiped out they watched Toy Story (after 4 hours outside) then came upstairs to play on the computer--and did it without fighting! Hooray for exhaustion!

During Quiet Time, Kaley, Cassi and I got the food and tables ready for dinner. We luau-ed up again with Kalua Pork, fried rice (compliments of Panda Express), fresh fruit, chocolate chip cookies (compliments of Iron Chef Day) and to top off the taste of our Home Away from Home, Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts!

We tried to change up our tablescape a bit this year which was fun. The King stands in the background next to the grapes! Our homage to Ohau and our favorite island show Hawaii 5-0!

Grandma-ma came over to luau with us and posed with Miss Madi!

Do they look like hungry natives?

Aunt Kaley called the kids over in order of best behavior. Really at that point they were all hungry and sitting pretty quietly. But Megan won the honor of first crack at the macadamia nuts!

Bradley was smart and wanted a lot of pork so he stayed really quiet and got to go second. Man, this kid is tall!

Katelyn and Bryson were called next. These are two scary peas in a Hawaiian pod!

Adam went next. He was so tired he couldn't find the camera lens to look at and say "Maui."

No surprise, these two were last. Iggy and Squiggy both filled their plates and quickly got down to business eating. In fact, all the kids were really quiet at the table. They were HUNGRY!

Brett chilled in his highchair and watched all the chaos unfold. Grandma-ma informed us that March 15th is Rock Star Bret Michaels birthday and he turned 49 this year. I meant to completely confuse all the kids and sing Happy Birthday but I got so mesmerized by those Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts I forgot. So Happy Birthday Poison singer Bret Michaels and Happy First Spring Break Luau to our Brett Michael! Another Spring Break Day to remember!


Stephanie said...

So fun! You guys have so much fun down there! It's great seeing all the pics!

Jennifer said...

I wish I had as much energy as you do to create fun Spring Break memories. It all looks so fun! Don't tell my kids how boring their break will be compared to their cousins!