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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break--Zoo Day!

Tuesday was Zoo Day thanks to Megan having a birthday and deciding to go to the zoo! We walked along the African and Arizona Trails and encountered a host of wild animals--besides the ones we brought with us. Some of the favorites were:



Zebras and Reptiles (sorry, no snake pics!).

My personal favorites were the Meerkats & Warthogs (it was almost like being in Disneyland). . .

. . . and the Mandrill monkeys, where we also encountered a group of Elders.

About the half-way point Cassi broke out the Krispy Kremes and we all got a much needed sugar high.

Very happy stroller buddies!

(I feel a chorus of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" coming on. . .")

This was at the Rhino and Gazelle exhibit and Brock was finally able to see some animals. Up to this point there was always a wall or bush in his way because he was in the stroller. He looked and pointed and said "Animals!" I said, "Welcome to the Zoo, honey!"

This is Blake using all of his Grandpa Partridge's genes while trying to climb into the Zebra enclosure.

On the second attempt into the Zebra enclosure Blake decides to just look over the edge.

Here's Blake on his way into visit the Elephants. He told me he wanted to see how far down (or deep) the dirt went. Right. He also tried to get into the Cheetah exhibit and the Mandrill exhibit. He thought the Mandrills were lonely.

Fortunately, we talked Blake down from the fence and he posed with Katelyn and the Elephants.

Here's everyone (minus Adam and Brock) with the Elephants. We were tired and hot. It was a good time to take some pictures in the shade.

Standing tall we conquered the Zoo--well at least one third of it. Can't wait to go back. Just need to find a leash strong enough for Blake or an exhibit that wants to add one more to their group!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How fun to get to go to the zoo with cousins! Glad Blake decided to stay with the humans and not the animals! I love Bryson's expression in the donut picture :)