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Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break--Space Day!

I know it's hard to believe that while others are still shoveling snow off the driveways, we are in full Fun-Spring Break mode here in AZ. And I'm sorry, but we couldn't be having better weather. It's a perfect 75 degrees outside and everyone has Spring Fever. However, with all the goodness of Spring Break comes the reality that the kids are home, all day every day. So in order for all of us to enjoy our time off this year I planned out some fun activities each day--with the help of Megan's birthday and St. Patrick's Day too! So please indulge me for the next 5 blog posts on our Adventures during Spring Break!

Monday was Space Day! We used our gift cards to Toys R Us from Christmas (thanks Grandma-ma and Grandpa!) and the boys bought Moon Shoes, a bubble blower and a Slip N Slide--but that's for another day. After we made our purchases, we headed to In-N-Out Burger for lunch with Cassi, girls, Adam & Grandma. YUM! Then a quick necessary trip to Old Navy to buy Bradley some shorts. The ones he had were literally 2 sizes too small! Finally we made it to the library where we checked out half the books in the children's section on Space, the final frontier (theme music, please. . .). When we got home we put together the Moon Shoes and they older boys jumped for an hour and half!

After hosing everyone off in a tub or shower I started working on dinner--flying saucers, which looked strangely a lot like pancakes. In the meantime, the boys made astronauts out of a paper model and a TP roll. We devoured our flying saucers and headed downstairs and read about NASA and the International Space Station and watched a movie about planets and finally a Magic School Bus Video about Space.

By the end of the day we were all exhausted--but excited about what we had learned. I heard "Thank You, Mom" several times and even "Can we have Space Day again?" once. That's one small step for Mom, one giant leap for Mom-kind!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How cute to have a theme for the whole day! I am totally stealing this idea for the summer (Spring Break is already planned). Where did you get the cute cutouts of the astronauts?