4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust--Day 2

Day 2 was Blue t-shirt day. Even though the kids shirts said "I run on Solar Power" and "I Make a Splash" the sun was no where to be seen. Being June I didn't anticipate being so cold! The jackets we brought for night-time fun were worn most of the days. Of course the lack of Solar Power didn't stop the kids from just plain running!

We wandered around Paradise Pier trying to stop at Ariel's Grotto for lunch reservations but everything was full so instead we decided to head back toward the Hollywood Backlot but not until a few of us quick adults husseled on to California Screamin'! It's been years since I've been on it because it always gets lost in the shuffle of what the kids want to do so it was really fun to ride it with Brett, Kaley & Chase!

Leave it to boys to be impressed with dirt and destruction!

Ok, not even my kid by such a cute picture!!!

Which one IS Mr. Incredible?

In the Hollywood Backlot area we found a place for lunch but had to wait for it to open. In fact, we had to wait for all the food places there to open. So to keep Blake out of trouble momentarily we went on a walk to see what time the Smoothy place opened. On our way back to the group we saw a little street show starting so we wandered over there with Uncle Brett to kill a few more minutes. It was the cutest show about using your imagination and they pulled Blake up to the front to be in the show! After they asked him his name they asked where he lived and he asnwered "With my mom." He got to take home a drawing of Woody that they used in the show. This is why I love Disneyland! Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures!

Bryson ended up needing a little time away so he and Scott went back to the hotel. Bradley, Blake and I stayed and went on Woody's Midway Fun with Grandma, Uncle Chris & group. Blake really wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel so I got in line with he and Bradley to do that next not remembering that there were seperate lines for swinging and non-swinging cars. OOPS!

Here we are in a swinging car. Blake was a little nervous and Bradley wasn't happy about the mistake at all. But he was a trooper and put his head down on my lap and we just endured the swinging parts. Blake was very sweet at one point and padded Bradley's head and told him it would be all right.

And it came to pass that the second day of pictures at Disneyland came to an end. The people rejoiced at the fun they were having being together. So much was their joy that they forgot to bare record of the remainder of the day.

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