4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust--Day 3

ALOHA! What a surprise to find ourselves freezing still but in the middle of tropical fun Disney style! Breakfast with Lilo & Stitch was delicious fun in which we took pictures and added another button to our lanyard collection!

Let's feed these people!

It takes so little to please some. Your own cup and straw and you get to hold it yourself! Life is good.

One half of the table. (We took up 1-1/2 tables of course!)

And the other half.

This is the cute half of the other table. We should all have shirts like Katelyn's "Yay Me!" t-shirt!

Always room for one more!

It is true, Brock did eat 2 or 3 Mickey waffles and a bunch of fruit. Practically licked his plate (and mine) clean!

It's not really a true Hawaiian experience without some kind of entertainment! Here we have "Hawaiian Stick Dancers" in training.

Does anyone else get the impression Blake is contemplating other uses for his wooden props?

After a little more dancing. . .

And a few more pictures, we headed off to Legoland in Carlsbad.

Now, you're probably saying, "That looks like a water park, not Legoland." And you'd be right to think that. This was the ONLY day it was sunny for the better part of the day and so we took full advantage of the sun and water! Unfortunately, we didn't get to see many of the Lego exhibits that are for older kids.

We stayed here at these sprinkler pads for quite a while trying to keep track of everyone and still letting them have a little freedom to run-or stand as it the case with Bryson pictured above.

What more relaxing way to spend the afternoon but by peddling nowhere and shooting water at a target. On the side, Uncle Chris patrols the area.

While Blake is clearly have a blast, Brock was not so keen on having sprinklers go off in his face. It made for a good picture and was really funny to watch unfold (did I say that outloud?).

After the sprinklers and a few rides for the older kids we made a b-line for lunch. Hamburgers, hotdogs, stir fry for a few of the older tastebuds and of course dessert treats lined the plates and tables we occupied. We stuffed ourselves silly then took off for the Legoland version of the autopias. Legoland, being geared more for the younger crowd, had two different race car areas for older and younger kids. So, Scott and I took Bradley, Bryson and Nathan to stand in line for their cars and then went right next door and Scott stood in line with Blake, Katelyn and Benjamin for their cars. The result is we have a clear understanding why the driving age is 16 and not 6. . . or 4 or 3. They all had a blast!

On Your Marks. . . .

Get Set. . . .


I'm sure there was a no bumping rule but the boys follow directions about as well as their dads!

Race to the finish line!

Bradley & Bryson both taking the task seriously!

By this time lunch had been digested and everyone was ready for more water fun. So we went to the Pirates Cove. It was great because the older kids went with some of the dads for serious wetness and the little kids stayed and played in the swings and little puddle pools.

Bradley's favorite was the pirate ship with the huge bucket of water on top. After filling it would tip over on to unsuspecting people below. Here is Uncle Brett about to be soaked!

Hyrum doing some heavy meditating.

Brock and I just hanging around enjoying the sun and water!

Benjamin all wrapped up in some "borrowed" towels. Not saying from where, but they were returned.

Another couple of bundled popcicles.

Blake could have stayed in the puddle pools all day long. Splashing and running are what Blake does best!

On the way out we did run into a couple of characters. . . concrete evidence we were in Legoland!

Here is where the Faith and Trust comes in from our Blog Title. It was closing time at the park. As we returned the stroller at the gate I stopped to count jackets and "borrowed" towels and at the same time, unbeknownst to us, Brock slipped out of the stroller and got away. We were so preoccuppied counting "things" we forgot to count heads. Fortunately Mom was with us and sat down on a bench with Bradley, Bryson and Blake and said a quiet prayer. Scott frantically looked around asking people if they had seen him. I started to go back to the last spot I knew he had been when a whisper in my mind told me to go to the "Lost Parent Center." I thought for sure he was gone, kidnapped, killed in the parking lot--any and all of those and worse rushed through my mind. Pushing those thoughts aside I raced to the front of the entry area and I could see him through the glass door being held by an employee. Sobbing I grabbed him as the employee said "There she is" and walked back to the bench where Mom had the other kids. We got Scott's attention and while squeezing Brock very tightly started to walk to the cars. As we exited the gate a man stopped us, recognizing Brock by his bright yellow shirt, and said he was glad we found him. He had watched Brock exit the park, turn around and go back inside where the man picked him up and took him to the "Lost Parent Center." He said he had 4 kids of his own and knew how scary that situation could be.

The end of this day made us more grateful for our Faith in Jesus Christ and our Trust that He is our Savior and watches and protects us even when we are not being as responsible as we should. How grateful we are for those blessings that come when we least expect them and how much more aware those situations make us of how much better we ought to be.

And so, the third day of vacation in the land of Southern CA came to an end. And although there had been much tulmult round about for a season there was great happiness and rejoicing in the end.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Despite the scares, I think a Disneyland travel to go pack should be a part of our year supply, what do you think?