4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust--Day 4

So after the events of Day 3 we started everyone out at the happiest but shortest ride of them all--Dumbo. It was once timed at something like 38 seconds. That was after we'd waited a good 2 hours so little Kaley could ride Dumbo. This morning we went in to Fantasyland early and were able to ride everything that everyone wanted to but hadn't gotten to yet.

Blake and I are ready for take-off!

Some people need their early morning cup of Joe. We just needed the cups! There's nothing like swirling your breakfast around at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

This picture isn't blury--Bradley is just moving THAT fast!

After the kids rode, a few seriously spinning-minded people grabbed a cup and hung on!

I really wanted to see the Parades so after we got through everyone's list of rides to do and do over again we parked along Main Street to see the Celebration Parade. It was really fun because we were smart enough to sit on the shady side of the street. I took Bradley and Bryson into the shops right next to where our crowd was sitting and let them spend the last of their spending money. They have learned quickly that money goes fast in Disneyland. Bradley especially noted that 6 churros will go through $20 like lightening! It's a great lesson for them on budgeting and spending money--even if it's spending money for fun stuff! Anyway, it was nice to have a few minutes with each one shopping and talking. We finished souvenir hunting just in time for the parade and it was great!

Everyone got to say "Aloha" to Stitch again.

This cast member has no idea what she's just gotten herself into! She's asking us to come out and dance! You don't have to ask us twice.

We're rockin'! Benjamin rocked out earlier too!

A Happy Conga-line-er!

I didn't just stop at one parade though. Just as the Celebrate Parade ended, I herded my crowd over to California Adventure to see the Pixar Play Parade. There's just so much to see and do at Disneyland and beause we had so many days I decided there was time to squeeze in one or two things I wanted to do.

Proof we learned our lesson! Brock is happily and securely strapped into his stroller.

And very content with the Mickey Ears he got. Unfortunately, the lights inside have already stopped working. But it was great entertainment going home in the car!

While Blake plays with his new Buzz toy, Bryson ponders the how's and why's of the cost of toys at Disneyland. And yes, Bradley is sitting in the stroller in the back right side of the picture. Everyone's feet and legs were a little tired. They were actually really happy to sit and watch the parades because it meant getting a little rest!

Photographic evidence that Mom does exist and that once in a while she and Dad stop at the same place and the same time!

A few parade pix: The Incredibles

Ok, this needs explaining. Before the trip each family responded to one of I'm sure at least 20 emails from Mom & Dad (we love you guys!!!) and somewhere in there we all came up with character names for ourselves and family members. Chris' family took on the Incredibles and Baby Adam was Jack Jack. I thought this was great with Jack Jack's head flaming!

Love Nemo! They blew bubbles and the kids went crazy!

A Bug's Life squirted water everywhere and the kids went INSANE!

Our last stop was the Tomorrowland Terrace for dinner where everyone ended the evening on an energy high and boogied down with their bad selves. We said good bye making the Monorail our last ride.

And thus ended the fourth day of pictures at the place called Disneyland. And happy were the people thereof except a few who murmured about leaving this place of magic and wonder. But all went peacefully back to room of bunkbeds to rest for the night. And on the morrow they would pack their belongings and journey into the "wild-ness" of the California freeways to return to the land of their mortgages.

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