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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Boy, oh boys!

The older boys at our house have been very busy in the athletic world lately. Bryson just finished playing his first season of basketball and Bradley finished his third season of soccer. Since ball games have been our main activity on Saturdays (second only to getting the house cleaned--and sometimes the cleaning came in second!) it wouldn't be right to skip over these climbing levels of testosterone in the blog!

Bryson was #1--on his jersey and had a blast. He got to play with a lot of kids in our ward and from school. I thought the games were great. Scott said it was painful to watch and Chris lost his voice at one game from shouting directions. The whole thing was fantastic and hilarious! Almost as good as watching 1st year t-ball, which we'll get to blog about Blake's first year of said t-ball in a few months! Anyway, the high point was scoring so high in one game that they actually ran out of numbers and just started over on the score cards. The not so high point was losing the last game. Bryson is going to go to basketball camp at Mountain View this summer (my blood still runs Orange though!) with a few of his friends he played with. He is really excited about that!

I told Bryson the story about Dad playing ball in school and how he found his best defense tactic was to NOT wash his uniform. Bryson thought that was a great idea. Unfortunately, his uniform always found its way into the washing machine so he had to resort to the old fashioned song and dance with the hands in the air.

Here, Bryson catches the ball, keeps it for a split second and then runs down with the rest of his team. I just missed videoing a really great play right before this one--of course.

Bradley has developed SoccerBrain. He loves playing soccer and is amazing at moving the ball down the field. I mean waaaaay down! He is excited to go to BYU's Soccer Camp this summer after the 4th of July because it combines Bradley's two favorite things--playing soccer and playing with cousins!

Bradley also gets to play with lots of boys from our ward and from school. The boys all have different strengths out of the field which makes for a really amazing team. This was the last game and probably the best of the season. It's not just the Mom in me talking here, but Bradley was totally on fire. He was all over the ball in the first quarter and would have made their first goal of the game if his kick had projected the ball just a few inches lower. It was the most amazing kick, perfectly lined up--just a tad too high. Next season they play on a bigger field so watch out opposing goal tender! The third and fourth quarter brought out some fancy footwork and great stops to keep the ball where WE wanted it!

It's been fun to see how Bradley's soccer skills have improved over this last season. You can tell how much fun he has when you watch him play.

LEGS. That's all I can say.

So, we're looking forward to time off from Saturday b-ball and soccer for a while. We'll let you know when the PRO's start calling!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Before I scrolled to that part in your blog, I saw Bradley's picture and thought, "those are some LONG legs"! That's great the boys have both found sports that they enjoy.