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Sunday, March 14, 2010

H2O2 Anyone?

This post is more of a Mom tip: Hydrogen Peroxide tastes good to 2 year olds. Fortunately, the good folks at Poison Control said the worst it will do is make you throw up. Unfortunately, we were supposed to be getting in the car to take Bradley to a make up Speech session after I found Brock with the empty bottle of hydrogen peroxide, licking his lips saying "mmmmm." Not good. Fortunately, we had previously moved Blake out of his car seat that was next to Brock and put him in the back with Bradley which meant Bryson could sit next to Brock with a bowl in case he threw up. Unfortunately, I knew that if Brock did throw up, Bryson would too. Fortunately, neither one of them did. Unfortunately, there were no fizzing diapers later that day. I was really looking forward to that! Fortunately, we're now out of hydrogen peroxide.

The moral of the story is: Don't buy toys (like grocery carts and ride on cars) that boys can use as step ladders to get into the medicine cabinet. And don't put hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cabinet. Well, really don't put anything in the medicine cabinet because the next day I found Brock getting into the band-aids--just because they were there. And the moral of that story is: It's really hard to outsmart a 2 year old!