4th of July Disneyland Vacation!

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break--Back to the Beach Day/AKA Water Day

It started out as a terrible-horrible-no good-very bad day. Mostly because the clouds rolled early and suddenly my phone was telling me there was a 20% chance of rain which soon turned into 100% chance of sprinkles. With the kids getting pink eye there was no way I could have switched activity days around and done this one earlier in the week. Besides, I special ordered Hawaiian Sea Salt for my Kalua Pork and it didn't come until Wednesday giving my pig ample time to slow cook from Thursday to Friday. But more on that later.

Cassi brought the girls and Adam over and that's when the sprinkles hit. I wasn't sure we'd even get to play outside much because it was so cold (yeah, I know we're all wimps here). When out of nowhere the sun broke through the clouds. I yelled "Everyone outside, quick!" I grabbed my Bucket of Water Fun and we headed outside.

Even Brock and Blake got to escape being Quarantined for a while and play with everyone. We had hand sanitizer at the ready just to be safe.

Adam "guarding" my Bucket of Water Fun!

We started with bubble blowing. Everyone had their own special bubble wands and tried to be the one to blow the biggest bubble. I think Katelyn and Bradley won. They had some pretty big bubbles!

Second, we did a water variation on the good old egg toss. We had nets and balls (that worked a lot better once they were wet) and the object was to pass it to your partner and see how far you could throw and catch it. Good clean fun!

Blake joined the game a little late and felt his odds were better on the sidewalk instead of the grass.

I have no words for this picture. It's like a cafeteria lady gone bad. My guess is one of his cousins had something to do with it. I love "my" Adam!

Cassi and I decided since it was still sunny and getting warmer we'd go for the gold and try out the new slip and slide.

You can tell how warm and comfortable they are.

After just a few minutes they were running for the sidewalk to get warm. Imagine the water being a little chilly?

Getting the feeling back in all extremities.

There is no doubt Adam and Chris share the same chilly end of the gene pool. He totally loved the sprinklers and played in the cold water in his pajamas the whole morning. It was hilarious!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Tonto decides to play with HIS new toy, now that the restless natives have gone to freeze themselves in the sprinklers.

We moved on to sandcastle building. Well, not building but drawing. Since we were without beach and sand each team drew a sandcastle or other beach/ocean thing.

Bradley, of course taking the task very seriously, draws an amazing sandcastle. The boy has skillz!

Megan and Cassi add hearts to their starfish.

Even Brock channels his inner Van Gogh.

Where is Blake you ask? Funny enough he's not making air kisses but trying to suck up the water as it shoots out of the slip-n-slide. This is one funny boy folks!

Megan went back to try the water again. She and Adam had fun splashing and jumping.

After pacing closer and closer to the tunnel entrance, Brock finally takes one step too close. Blake "helps" him in.

But he made it out without scars or crying so it must have been worth the nudge.

We threw some pizza at everyone and let them play a while longer until we could see the fun quickly crossing the edge of chaos. After a Quiet Time movie ("Aloha Scooby Doo!") and a little wii action it was time for our LUAU!

I mentioned earlier I special ordered Hawaiian Sea Salt. It's supposed to be what they use when they do the whole pig in the pit at the luaus. Totally worth the cost to ship it fast. And now I know I really am part Hawaiian because I cooked Kalua Pork and it was GREAT! Cassi made fried rice--the recipe from our 3rd grade teacher who is from Oahu. Also amazing! Add some pineapple, strawberries and teriyaki meatballs (compliments of mom) and you have yourself an outstanding luau.

Is your mouth watering yet?

We were so busy eating that no one took any more pictures. But just imagine: incredible food (if I do say so myself--see below for kalua pork recipe), lots of OHANA, festive music (gotta have IZ) and you're right there with us! It was the perfect end to an almost perfect Spring Break! (Really could have done without the pink eye!) Unfortunately, reality will call early Monday morning, but Aloha will be with us forever!

Kalua Pork Recipe:
1-6lb. Pork Butt Roast (I know, I thought the name was funny too)
1-1/2 Tablespoons Hawaiian Sea Salt or Red Clay Sea Salt (the salt is a red color)
1 Tablespoon liquid smoke
Serves: 12

Pierce pork all over with a carving fork. Rub the salt then liquid smoke over meat. Place roast in a slow cooker.

Cover and cook on LOW for 16-20 hours, turning over once during cooking time.

Remove meat from slow cooker and shred. Add drippings as needed to moisten.

Enjoy your kitchen smelling like an island luau!


The Partridge Family said...

Thanks Amy for the "morning" entertainment!!! The pictures are really cute and your luau would have made your friends in the ARK proud!

Jennifer said...

A Buzz Lightyear slip and slide -- THAT is cool! Your entire day (and week, actually) looked so fun! You are always so creative!

Stephanie said...

I want to come next time!!! The Kalua Pork looks liek it will be fun to make. I'm going to try to make it sometime.

Brett said...

Yum. . . sign me up for the next water day luau